Written by: Anne Bolender

Yesterday was one of those beautiful, lazy Saturdays. The weather was just-right-warm and those skies – showing off their farmers marketdeep blue color. The blue that looks perfect in photos! So, rather than putter around the house I decided to check out our local farmer’s market.

Our farmer’s market had recently moved into a temporary location while its permanent home is undergoing renovations and upgrading. You can read more about that here, on my other blog. I had not yet been to this new location so I went – just to see what it was like.

While I was wandering through stalls of farm fresh strawberries (ooh did they ever smell good), tree-ripened peaches, organic vegetables and bushels of flowers, my eyes were drawn to the perfect zucchini!! Yeah, I know. The perfect zucchini – what??!? There is a story and a memory that made that zucchini absolutely perfect.

When my kids were young, I used to use zucchinis exactly like this one when I baked lemon zucchinizucchini bread, which happened fairly regularly in the fall. I also enjoyed making homemade sour cherry jam and homemade wild blueberry jam to go with the lemon zucchini bread. (Yes, I was a stay at home mom!).

Mmmmmmm, slather still-warm-from-the-oven fresh baked lemon zucchini bread with butter, then top it with homemade sour cherry jam – such is the stuff that memories are made from!!

It’s been years since I baked lemon zucchini bread, despite the numerous requests from my son and daughter. Other things always got in the way. But today – today my house smells like it often did when my kids were little. The aroma of fresh baked lemon zucchini bread is wafting everywhere.

I didn’t have time to make the homemade jam – local farmer’s market jam will suffice.

But I did it.

lemon zucchini breadAnd with each mouthful, a warm glow of contentment fills me. And reminds me that sometimes its the small things from our past that reconnect us with who we are and with what makes us happy!! A taste, a smell, a melody, a trinket – can bring back more than just a memory. It can also bring back a feeling. A primal, this-is-how-I-want-to-feel-for-the-rest-of-my-life kind of feeling! Reconnecting us to a different time, a different place. Reminding us of how we want to feel again – core desired feelings!! How wonderfully powerful they can be!

So how was your weekend?  What small things caught your attention and twinged a feeling this weekend?


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