The Wisdom and Magic Blog
The Alignment Incubator Facebook Group
Written by: Anne Bolender I have recently realized that sometimes we need a supporting community around us while we are making significant changes in our life. And that sometimes that community of support really needs to understand not just who we are and what...
Amping up the Self Care
Written by: Anne Bolender When you hear the words "self-care", what do you automatically think of? For a lot of people, 'self-care' involves a day spa and bodywork of some kind - facials, massages, mani-pedis - you get the idea. Or self-care is going on a diet and...
Manifesting Easy
Written by: Anne Bolender I don't know about you, but this past winter has been a brutal one. Even the thought of trying to make a major change or a complicated transformation in my life right now is beyond what I want to attempt. Supercharging my superpowers!! Yeah,...
Successfully Certified
Written by: Anne Bolender For the past 15 months, I have been learning everything that I could about being a Law of Attraction Coach - and I loved every minute of it!! Last week, I passed my certification panel interview and became fully certified. This was, without...
Life is Always Right Now
Written by: Anne Bolender I caught myself thinking recently. "Two years from now and I will be spending winters someplace warm and sunny. All I need to do is save $XX and I will finally be able to afford to enjoy winter!!" OK, so this winter has been particularly...
Manifesting a Magical 2014 – Get Happy
Written by: Anne Bolender Behind everything that you desire and want in life is the desire to be happy. Regardless of what you think you want, whether you desire to have more money, to travel, to have a job, to have a fulfilling career, to lose weight, to find...
Manifesting a Magical 2014 – Trusting the Universe
Written by: Anne Bolender Lets face it, trusting the Universe to deliver what you are trying to manifest is not always that easy. No matter how hard I try, sometimes, not very often, but sometimes I still feel that twinge of doubt romping around in the back of...
TnT Thursday – Releasing All Attachments to Outcomes
Written by: Anne Bolender As I mentioned in last Monday's post, one of the most difficult things to accomplish in the manifesting process is to release all attachments to the outcome. We do, after all, try to manifest things that we want, things that we have an...
Manifesting a Magical 2014 – Releasing All Attachments to the Outcome
Written by: Anne Bolender Releasing all attachments to the outcome we are trying to manifest is one of, if not the most difficult step that needs to be taken in order to become a master manifestor. And yet this is the step that most people have the greatest level of...
TnT Thursday – Act As If
Written by: Anne Bolender There are a lot of techniques that can help you deliberately create the goals you want to achieve by acting as if you already had or were your goal. One of the most popular and potent technique is visualization. Visualization Most, if not...
Manifesting a Magical 2014 – Act As If
Written by: Anne Bolender Our brains do not know the difference between 'reality' (the physical world around us) and an emotionally charged thought or a strongly held feeling! When you think about it, there is no physical 'reality' in our brains - there are no...
TnT Thursday – Gaining Clarity
Written by: Anne Bolender Gaining Clarity involves more than getting focused on specific outcomes, activities or tasks, and setting goals - although focus and goals are a big part of gaining Clarity. Clarity is tapping in to your internal compass, the one that...
Manifesting a Magical 2014 – Clarity and Focus
Written by: Anne Bolender Imagine what you could accomplish if you had an internal compass that unerringly brought you back to your truest path and your authentic self. This is what clarity can do for you. Clarity is all about being in alignment with your...
TnT Thursday – Clearing Space
Written by: Anne Bolender TnT Thursday is coming to you on Friday this week - hope everyone in the United States had/is still having, a wonderful Thanksgiving!! This week's Tips and Techniques are focused on clearing space to make room for all the big changes that you...
Manifesting a Magical 2014 – Clearing Space
Written by: Anne Bolender This is week 2 of the Manifesting a Magical 2014.This week's posts are about Clearing Space To Make Room For Change - out with the old so we can make room for the new!! When we are trying to manifest major transformations, we need...
Self Care Tips & Techniques
Written by: Anne Bolender In last Monday's post, I began this new series on Manifesting a Magical 2014 with a bonus post on Self Care. With self-care there is the understanding that the more you take care of yourself, the more energy you will have for manifesting, so...
Manifesting a Magical 2014
Written by: Anne Bolender Counting this week, there are only seven weeks left until the new year!! A brand spanking shiny new year that is loaded with all of the promise and potential that a new beginning can possibly hold. Unencumbered by the past, unconcerned about...
5 Tips to Help You De-stress for the Holidays
Written by: Anne Bolender Let's face it. We all live pretty stressful lives. With deadlines to meet; presentations to create; exams to study for; raising kids; caring for aging parents; the leaking roof or broken dishwasher that need to be repaired; the mortgage or...
Autumn Melancholy
Written by: Anne Bolender I looked at my calendar the other day and was surprised to see that it was already the first of November. Where had October gone?? Where has this year gone!!?!! So many things I had wanted to accomplish this year have remained firmly etched...
My “Good Life” Bucket List
Written by: Anne Bolender The other night my daughter respectfully reminded me of an upcoming Big "0" birthday that I will be celebrating later this year. There is something about Big "0" birthdays that make them different from other birthdays. They seem to trigger...
Creating Powerful Intentions
Written by: Anne Bolender We have a tendency to use intentions as a type of goal, as something concrete that we need to achieve or some action that needs to be completed - or at least I used to. I would often "set" intentions like: "My intention is to hike...
Never Give Up On Your Dream
. Written by: Anne Bolender On Monday September 2, 2013, Diana Nyad, a 64 year old grandmother, stepped out of the waters onto a beach in Key West Florida. Diana had entered the ocean from a beach in Cuba. Swimming for 53 hours straight, across the Straits of Florida,...
Clarity Coaching
Written by: Anne Bolender Some clarity coaching spots just opened up on my schedule so I thought I would offer them to you first before I open them up to the general public!! If you are interested in being coached around something in your life or in your business...
Sometimes Its The Small Things
Written by: Anne Bolender Yesterday was one of those beautiful, lazy Saturdays. The weather was just-right-warm and those skies - showing off their deep blue color. The blue that looks perfect in photos! So, rather than putter around the house I decided to check out...
8 Powerful Clarity Questions
written by Anne Bolender One of the most effective ways to gain clarity of self (to know who you are and what you want) or of any project that is important to you, is to honestly answer some powerful questions. Below are eight of the most powerful questions I know for...
Are You “Fear Fit”?
written by Anne Bolender Being ‘fear fit’ is all about: identifying if the fear we are feeling is one that will help us, or if its a fear that will harm us, and expanding our comfort zone so that we become increasingly more comfortable with feeling our fear...
Have You Met Your Gremlin?
written by Anne Bolender We all have one. That little voice inside our head that likes to 'help' us by offering us advice whether want it or not. You know the type of advice I mean. It's the "What do you mean you want to try that. Are you crazy?" or the straight out...
Your Personal Core Value mini e-Book
For anyone who is interested in more information on identifying your Personal Core Values and how to implement them into your life, I created a mini e-Book that you are free to download here and share with anyone you feel might be interested. Just click on the...
Are You Honoring Your Core Values?
written by Anne Bolender What is a 'Core Value'? Basically, personal core values provide us with an internal reference on how our authentic self wants to feel. 'Core Values' can also be referred to as 'Core Desired Feelings'. Okay, so let me try to explain that first...
Dissolving Assumptions of Self
written by Anne Bolender From the moment we are born, our 'reality' is built on a rocky foundation of assumptions. As we grow up, these assumptions create the patterns, the roles, and the relationships that become the reality of our lives, our understanding of...