How Tarot Helps You Manifest Your Desires

The Tarot card shown here is from the beautiful Chrysalis Tarot Deck, created by Toney Brooks and Holly Sierra. I pulled this card specifically to provide a special message for this post. This card, The Watcher, who is also known as the Queen of Mirrors or the Queen...

Kintsugi – Mending Cracks With Gold

There is a Japanese art of pottery mending that is known as Kintsugi (golden joinery) or Kintsukuroi (golden repair). In North America, when we break a piece of pottery, a plate, a bowl, a vase, etc., we usually do one of two things. Either we throw out the piece that...

Is Your Glass Half-Empty or Completely Full

Airline pilots have an expression – ‘excess capacity’. Excess capacity is the ability for anyone to cope with additional stress and pressure in their lives. Someone who is stressed and having difficulty dealing with their normal everyday life has...

How to Shift Your Identity

If you read my last two blog posts (available here and here) you should have some understanding of what Identity Shifting is, and whether or not you are interested in consciously shifting your identity to something/someone you are dreaming to become. I have been...