written by Anne Bolender From the moment we are born, our ‘reality’ is built on a rocky foundation of assumptions. As we grow up, these assumptions create the patterns, the roles, and the relationships that become the reality of our lives, our...
written by Anne Bolender I’ve been involved with an online group recently that is focused on learning and practicing the fine art of self care. Yes, self care is a form of self love, but it is not about being selfish or narcissistic. Self care is basically...
Happiness and Decision Making What do you do when you come to a point in your life where a decision looms large on the horizon? On the one hand, you can stay with the tried and true, the ‘same old shit’ devil you know. There is safety and comfort in...
Authentic Life
. written by Anne Bolender Here in Southern Ontario where I live, lilacs are a very welcomed sight. Lilacs signal that the snow and cold of winter has finally left the area and the warmth of spring has finally arrived. Lilacs also signal the beginning of rituals...