8 Powerful Clarity Questions

written by Anne Bolender One of the most effective ways to gain clarity of self (to know who you are and what you want) or of any project that is important to you, is to honestly answer some powerful questions. Below are eight of the most powerful questions I know for...

Are You “Fear Fit”?

written by Anne Bolender Being ‘fear fit’ is all about: iden­ti­fy­ing if the fear we are feel­ing is one that will help us, or if its a fear that will harm us, and expand­ing our com­fort zone so that we become increas­ingly more com­fort­able with feel­ing our fear...

Have You Met Your Gremlin?

written by Anne Bolender We all have one. That little voice inside our head that likes to ‘help’ us by offering us advice whether want it or not. You know the type of advice I mean. It’s the “What do you mean you want to try that. Are you...

Your Personal Core Value mini e-Book

  For anyone who is interested in more information on identifying your Personal Core Values and how to implement them into your life, I created a mini e-Book that you are free to download here and share with anyone you feel might be interested. Just click on the...

Are You Honoring Your Core Values?

written by Anne Bolender What is a ‘Core Value’? Basically, personal core values provide us with an internal reference on how our authentic self wants to feel. ‘Core Values’ can also be referred to as ‘Core Desired Feelings’. Okay,...